From then until now

The Punic Period

12th century BC Chr .: Phoenicians colonize Tunisia
814 BC Chr .: Foundation of Carthage
5th / 4th Century BC Chr .: Phoenician Carthage rose to become the dominant power in the Mediterranean
264-241 BC Chr .: first Punic war against Rome, loss of Sicily
218-201 BC Chr .: second Punic war, loss of Carthaginian great power
149-146 BC Chr .: Third Punic War, complete destruction of Carthage by the Romans, Tunisia becomes a Roman province

The roman time

From 146 BC. Chr .: Roman province "Africa"
From 27 BC. Chr .: intensive Roman colonization under Augustus, creation of over 200 Roman cities in Tunisia
4th century AD: The fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity prevails
439-570 AD: changing rule of Roman dynasties

The Arab period

670 AD: Arab subjugation of the Byzantine province, establishment of Kairouan as capital
From 799 AD: changing rule of Arab dynasties
Until 8./9. Century AD: complete Islamization of the Maghreb
Until 15th century AD: The influx of highly educated Muslim and Jewish refugees from Spain promotes the arts and sciences

Turkish rule

From 1574: For 300 years Tunisia becomes a province of the Ottoman Empire with autonomy under the Beys set up by Constantinople
16th century AD: Highlights of Mediterranean piracy, large slave markets (including in Tunis)
From the middle of the 19th century AD: increasing dependence on European colonial powers

The French colonial era

From 1881: Tunisia is a French protectorate, Europeans are coming into the country
1934: Habib Bourguiba founds the Neo Destour party
From 1950: bitter disputes between the independence movement and the French administration

Independent Tunisia

20. March 1956: France recognizes Tunisian independence
1957-1987: Prime Minister Habib Bourguiba becomes President of the Tunisian Republic
November 07, 1987: Bourguiba is declared incapable of office by Prime Minister Ben Ali due to his state of health, and Ben Ali succeeds him
14 January 2011: Jasmine Revolution, Ben Ali resigns and flees the country, formation of a constituent assembly to set up a transitional government and a president
31 December 2014: Béji Caïd Essebsi becomes the first president to be freely elected by the people
July 25, 2019: Acting President Essebsi dies
23 October 2019: Election of the new president Kais Saied