Of course there are also typical specialties in the Canary Islands that you should try!

Goofy: Cornmeal porridge infused with soup or milk
Garbanzos Compuestos: chickpea stew
gallos: Mermaid
Conejo and salmorejo: Rabbit in a spicy sauce
cry: Paprika sausage
Cazuela de fish: Pisces
Goatling: kid
Brecas: Red bream stew
Lapas: Limpets
Mojo de cilantro: Hot sauce with fresh coriander
Mojo picante (rojo): Classic, hot sauce
Mojo Verde: milder form of mojo picante, green sauce
Wrinkled potatoes: Potatoes cooked with their peel wrinkled
Fish a la sal: Fish baked in a salt crust
Potaje de Berros: Watercress soup
Potaje de Verduras: vegetable soup
Puchero Canario: Vegetable stew with meat
Rancho Canaria: Vegetable stew with noodles
Ropa Vieja: Rice specialty made from chickpeas, potatoes, lamb and pork
Canary Salpicon: Tart fish with shrimp, dressed with peppers, tomatoes and onions
Salpicon pulpo: Tart squid with peppers, tomatoes and onions
Sancocho Canario: The basic ingredients of this stew include dried fish, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Sancocho Canario is eaten with Gofio.
Viejas: Gilthead
Bienmesabe: Almond honey
Bomb giant: Canarian chocolate mousse
Custard: Caramel pudding
Cafe con leche: Strong coffee with milk
carajillo: Espresso with a dash of brandy
Beer: Beer
Honey Ron: Honey rum
Sangria: Red wine punch with orange and lemon juice and fruits pickled in rum or cognac
Wine: wine