General Information

Location: approx. 17 ° west longitude, approx. 33 ° north latitude, approx. 450 km from the Canary Islands, 600 km from Africa and 900 km from mainland Portugal
Surface: approx. 741 sq km, approx. 57 km long and 22 km wide
Highest elevations: Pico Ruivo 1.861 m, Pico das Torres 1.851 m and Pico do Arieiro 1.818 m
Einwohner: approx. 275.000
Bevolkerungsdichte: approx. 350 inhabitants / square kilometer
Capital: Funchal, in the south of the island, approx. 150.000 inhabitants
Other municipalities: Câmara do Lobos, approx.15.000 inhabitants
Machico, approx. 18.000 inhabitants
Santa Cruz, about 10.000 inhabitants
Ribeira Brava, approx. 9.000 inhabitants
Caniço and Ponta do Sol, each around 8.000 inhabitants
Camacha and São Vicente, each about 6.000 inhabitants
Religion: 99,5% Roman Catholic, few Anglicans, Protestants and Adventists
Language: portuguese
Tourism: around 650.000 guests per year.
Economy: The number 1 industry is tourism, followed by banana cultivation, the timber industry and basketry
export: Wine (1.800 hectares of cultivation area, including around 500 hectares of quality wine, mainly for export), products of typical embroidery and wickerwork
Autonomy: Since 1976 Madeira has a state status within the Portuguese state = Autonomous Region Madeira

Porto Santo profile

Location: about 40 nautical miles northeast of Madeira
Surface: about 45 square kilometers
Highest elevation: Pico do Faco, approx. 517 m
Main place: Porto Santo, also called Vila Baleira, has about 2.900 inhabitants
Einwohner: approx. 5.000
Special: flat southeast coast with an approx. 9 km long golden-yellow sandy beach, Columbus lived temporarily in Baleira

Profile of Ilhas Desertas

Location: about 17 nautical miles south of Madeira
Surface: about 1,4 square kilometers
Island names: Ilheu Chao
Deserta Grande
Special: since 1991 sanctuary for the endangered monk seals

The statistical information corresponds to the status of 2010