Around 2000 years of Menorcan history

2000 BC Chr .: People are probably settling on Menorca for the first time. They left behind impressive monuments and stone structures called talayots, taulas and navetas.

1500 BC Chr .: The Phoenicians land on Menorca to establish new trade relations. They found the cities of Magona (Mahón) and Iamnona (Ciutadella). The Greeks and Carthaginians follow.

750 BC Chr .: The Greeks set up trading posts on the north coast.

3rd-2nd century B.C. BC: Menorca becomes the strategic base of the Carthaginians during the Punic Wars.

206 BC Chr .: The Romans defeat the Carthaginians.

426 / 427: The Vandals invade and conquer Menorca and incorporate it into their kingdom.

534: The Balearic Islands are conquered by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and incorporated into the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine rule lasted until 902. During this time, various raids by the Moors and pirates have to be fended off.

798: The Moors subdue the Balearic Islands.

857: Norman pirate invasion.

902: The conquest of the Balearic Islands by the Caliph of Cordoba begins. The islands remained under Arab rule until the 13th century, when they were fortified. It is the heyday of Moorish culture.

1229: Menorca is conquered by Jaime I of Aragon. 3 years later, the resident Moors owe tribute to the Crown of Aragon.

1287: Alfonso III conquers Menorca.

1535: Siege of Mahón. Following the destruction of the city by Barbarossa.

1700: Beginning of the Wars of Spanish Succession.

1708: Menorca is occupied by the English for the first time.

1713: As a result of the Wars of Spanish Succession, Menorca comes under the Crown of England through the Treaty of Utrecht.

1756-1763: Menorca is occupied by the French during the Seven Years' War. Founding of the town of St. Luis.

1798: The English occupy Menorca for the third time.

1802: With the Treaty of Amiens, Menorca finally came under Spanish sovereignty.

1850: With the founding of the first shoe factory, small-scale industry began on the island.

1873: Proclamation of the first republic in Spain.

1874: Spain becomes a kingdom again under Alfonso XII.

1923: coup d'etat A military dictatorship is established.

1936-1939: Civil War in Spain. Menorca remains republican.

1947: Referendum on the reintroduction of the monarchy. Franco remains head of state.

1975: Franco dies. reintroduction of democracy.

1975-1983: Beginning tourism on the island. After a stopover in Perpignan, the first charter plane from London arrives in Menorca with guests.

1983: The Balearic Islands receive autonomy status.

1999: At a major demonstration, more than 6.000 Menorcans speak out in favor of a total construction freeze.

2001: The Balearic Parliament decides to levy an eco-tax on every overnight stay by local and foreign visitors. However, this will be abolished again in October 2003.