• Entry category:Tenerife
  • Reading time:3 min reading time

the essentials in brief

Actually, you don't necessarily need to be able to speak Spanish in Spain, as you can get through everyday life relatively well with English or German. The Spaniards have experienced many cultures and have had close ties to the Anglo-American world through emigration, the media and upbringing. So you will always find Spanish people who understand you. In the smaller villages, communication works with the help of sign language or the national language.
In the following we have put together the most important things for you. Even if the pronunciation may not be perfect - just give it a try, you will see how pleased your efforts are and how much you may learn more language skills.

Hello (until 12 p.m.) good morning
Hello (from 12 p.m.) good afternoon
Good night Goodnight
Hello! How are you? ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
My name is… Me llamo ...
Wie heißt du? What is your name?
Auf Wiedersehen  goodbye
Bye for now Bye now
Until tomorrow  see you tomorrow
Ja  yes
No No.
Perhaps quizás / tal vez
in order in agreement
Please please
Thank you Thank you
Thank you very much thank you very much
You are welcome no hay de qué / de nada
Entschuldigung forgiveness
I beg your pardon? How do you say?
Ich verstehe Sie / dich nicht. No le entiendo
I only speak a little Spanish Hablo solo un poco de español
Rooms room
Key  key
breakfast breakfast
Lunch lunch
Dinner and breakfast dinner