The most important facts

Size: 1.964.382 sq km
Einwohner: approx. 112 million (2010)
Bevolkerungsdichte: 57 inhabitants per square kilometer
population growth: 0,994% (2010)
Life expectancy: Men 73,6 years, women 79,4 years
religions: 92,6 Catholics, 3,3% Protestants, 0,1% Jews, 0,9% native folk religions, 3,1% atheists. Indian rites and beliefs have merged with Christianity
Languages: Spanish only 92,2%, Spanish with indigenous languages ​​5,6%, indigenous languages ​​2,2%
Staatform: Presidential federal republic since 1821
head of state: President and head of government, term of office 6 years, re-election is not possible
people's representation: Parliament with Chamber of Deputies (500 members elected for 3 years) and Senate (64 members elected for 6 years)
Capital: Mexico City
Administrative division: 32 states, including the Distrito Federal (abbreviated DF), the capital district
Export Goods: Crude oil, petrochemical products, machinery, automobiles, electrical appliances, coffee, silver, cotton
Import goods: Food, fertilizer, chemical products, machinery, electrical appliances