Interesting facts about the Islamic religion

The term Islam

Practically all Tunisians are followers of Islam. Islam in the literal sense means devotion, acceptance, surrender, submission. To be a Muslim means the surrender of oneself to the will of the unlimited divine ruler.

Since the will of God is laid down in law, Islam is a religion of the law. These laws not only align people to the hereafter, but they shape the whole of this world. Since God is the ruler over everything, Islam does not know any separation between spiritual (religion) and worldly. The logical consequence is that Islam is the state religion in many countries.

A salvation as in the Christian sense does not occur in Islam. A turning away from the world is also not in the spirit of Islam: the ideal is not the monk, but the married person.

The history of Islam

Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion (there is no other god than Allah) and the youngest of the great world religions. It originated in the 7th century when Mohammed (born around 570) was given divine revelations to a merchant from Mecca around the age of 40, which he proclaimed to people after initial hesitation.

Mohammed's new teaching quickly found many followers. Among them were his wife Hadijah and his cousin Ali. However, since Mohammed also encountered fierce resistance, he decided in 622 to emigrate to Medina (Yatrib). The time of emigration (Hijra) marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. The new religion conquered huge areas of the Arabian Peninsula in a relatively short time, even after his death in 632 France advanced.

The teaching of Muhammad is regarded as “God's spoken word” and is written down in 114 suras in the Koran, which are arranged according to their length. Further Islamic scientific sources are the Hadith (= the traditional words and deeds of Muhammad) and the Sira, the biography of the Prophet.

Mohammed's successors were the so-called "four rightly guided Khalifa": Abu Bar, Omar, Utman and Ali. However, the latter was never recognized by everyone and 661 was murdered. Before that, Mi'awiya (governor of Syria) had himself proclaimed caliph after the Battle of Siffin in 657.

Two different faiths emerged: the Sunnis (90%) and the Shiites (10%). The Shiites are of the opinion that only a blood relative of Muhammad can assume the leadership role and not, as is the case with the Sunnis, someone elected by the community.

The most important requirement is to adhere to the basic rules known as the five pillars.

The five pillars of Islam

1. The Shahada Creed
I testify: “There is no god but God. Mohammed is the messenger of God. "The Shiites often add:" Ali is the friend of God. "

2. The prayer salad
Five times a day: at sunrise, at noon, in the late afternoon, at sunset and after sunset.

3. The levy, the poor tax zakat
Zakat should be given personally to someone in need by every full grown, sane Muslim.

4. In the month of Ramadan the fasting hemline

5. Hajj pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca
Every Muslim should make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime.