Things worth knowing and noticing about environmental protection on vacation

We actively help to protect nature and the environment of your holiday destination so that you can continue to enjoy a beautiful holiday world. But you can help too:

Save water
For example, avoid showering several times a day. Only give dirty hand and bath towels for washing. Inform the hotel or travel agent about leaking taps or toilet flushes. Do not apply sunscreen just before swimming.

Save energy
Turn off electrical devices and other sources of energy when you leave your room. Use the public transport of your holiday destination. Explore your surroundings by bike or on foot instead of driving.

Protect flora and fauna
Pay attention to the information and mandatory signs in protected areas and bodies of water. Take your excursion waste with you.

Don't just think about your loved ones back home. Buy souvenirs that are made in the host country and that do not violate the Convention on the Protection of Species.